Fifty of the Most Important Tree Species Revealed
Gill Davies
978-1-62795-134-0 | Hardcover | 152 pages | 6″ x 8.5″
List Price: $14.95
What mysteries can trees still reveal to us? In addition to providing wood and charcoal for homes, latex and dyes for our clothes, fruits and nuts for our food, or simply providing a place to rest in the shade, trees provide the world our most essential vital resource: oxygen. Remarkably, our trees provide refuge for many animal species; their bark, roots, leaves, flowers, fruits or seeds also offer many remedies to treat us. The forest is, and always will be, this magical place that inspired the greatest artists through time. This guide reveals the secrets of fifty of the most important tree species by detailing the history of each of them, as well as their practical and medicinal uses, their symbols, and the legends associated with them. Each entry includes: ·Habitat ·History ·Meanings ·Secrets and special associations
Gill Davies is a prolific author having written for some fifty publishers from around the world. She is a wildlife enthusiast and her works include many titles about the natural world.