Rosalba Troiano
Illustrated by Giorgia Broseghini
978-1-62795-160-9 | Hardcover | 32 pages | 10.5″ x 12.5″
List Price: $19.95
Take an exciting journey around the world to meet twelve charming dancers and learn about flamenco, the can-can, belly dancing, the waltz, ballet, the fan dance, samba, and much more. The generous trim size showcases Giorgia Broseghini’s stunning artwork, which is also enjoyed on three gatefolds. Whether a girl or boy is one of millions taking dancing lessons or just fans of shows like Dancing with the Stars, they are sure to adore Dancers from Around the World.
Rosalba Troiano was born in Genoa, Italy and started dreaming about writing books when, as a child, she read Rasmus and the Vagabond by Astrid Lindgren. Since that day, her passion for reading has never stopped, and books for children and teenagers are her absolute favorite. Besides writing, she has an unstoppable passion for theater, as she worked as a set designer and took part in organizing theater productions. Giorgia Broseghini lives and works surrounded by mountains and lakes in a lovely valley near Trento, Italy. She discovered illustration after an adventurous trip through the study of languages and philosophy and studies in Florence where she attended the Nemo Academy of Digital Arts. Drawing has been a lifelong passion and now she knows that it is also the only (and the best) job imaginable. She loves drawing and knows all about birds, flowers, and strange animals like unicorns. She sings while she’s drawing and lets music be her muse. Her bright colors and cute animals make her work joyful and fun; nature is always a big part of her illustrations and she never wastes an occasion to learn. Her clients include Storytime Magazine and Autumn Publishing.